by Lester Rennard
As the business of living becomes more complex, uncertain and unpredictable, there is an increasing interest being shown in the benefits of pursuing and adopting spiritual values. Even among those who do not profess a commitment to any particular religious way of life, many are beginning to investigate the benefits of spirituality.
The threat posed by global terrorism, global warming, uncertain economic conditions, dwindling natural resources, population explosion among the poor, civil unrest, war, diseases, atrocities and other problems for which there are very few solutions, creates a state of insecurity that reminds us that we are humanly incapable of solving the problems of our present world without some form of supernatural intervention. It has become obvious that if these conditions continue the way they are without any change, we may end up destroying ourselves by our failure to take care of the health of this planet we call home.
Feeling helpless and vulnerable, many people who otherwise would give no credence to spirituality are coming to grips with the need for a power greater than themselves. They are looking for peace and a sense of security in knowing that the Creator and Designer of this planet has not abandoned us to our own self-destructive ways. By pursuing a spiritual path, one may develop confidence in knowing that the God of the universe is actively engaged in the affairs of our lives. This confidence produces hope and hope removes the paralyzing fear that steals our joy and robs us of that inner peace that is so essential for our sense of being.
When we build our lives on a solid foundation to include an acknowledgment of the reality of the spiritual dimension, we reserve for ourselves the benefit of obtaining direction for our lives. If we are truly honest with ourselves, we must admit that deep down within us is a 'spiritual vacuum' that can not be filled with anything other than that which connects us with God. We may acquire all the material things our hearts desire and have access to all the pleasures around us, but will always end up feeling empty, unfulfilled and alone if we neglect to address the spiritual vacuum within us.
Another important value of engaging ourselves spiritually is that it helps to remove us from our natural self-centered way of life. We are naturally inclined to thinking only of ourselves and to make our self-interest the center of just about everything we do. When we engage ourselves spiritually, we are able to see the bigger picture and to recognize that it is indeed bigger than 'me'. We are enlightened to see ourselves, individually, as a very minute but nonetheless significant part of the great cosmos in which we each have a purpose for being. We are endowed with resources of talents, gifts and uniqueness that are designed to be employed for the advancement and blessing of humanity and not just for personal gain and accomplishments.
To the extent that we engage ourselves in serving the great cause of humanity and endeavoring to leaving the world a better place than we found it, is the extent to which we find true fulfillment and joy in living. It is only as we subscribe to the practice of thinking and doing beyond ourselves, influenced by connecting to our spiritual Source, that we will understand the value of this philosophical and practical way of conducting the affairs of our lives.