Sunday, January 14, 2007

How to Cope With The Negative Forces Around You

by Lester Rennard

If you live in the real world, as I believe you do, you are constantly bombarded by negative forces in the form of circumstances, individuals and even your own conscious and subconscious thoughts that seek to rob you of your sense of peace, hope and security. You may be a very positive person by nature but if you continue to expose yourself long enough to the onslaught of these negative forces, you may find sooner than later that you yourself may become infected by this deadly virus and start becoming a carrier.

It is a truism that misery likes company and those who are missionaries of everything that is negative take delight in infecting everyone around them who allow themselves to be swept away by their specious and well crafted venom. Since they do not have any appetite for anything positive, those who engage themselves in such attitudes are constantly on the prowl in search of new victims to infect with their deadly poison. Like wolves in sheep's clothing, these individuals may be found with their traps set at the water cooler on the job, in the locker room at the gym, at the other end of the telephone, in the pew next to you at your place of worship and even behind the closed door of that sanctuary you call home.

As difficult as it may be when you might be the kind of person who tries to avoid hurting someone else's feelings, it is imperative, to save yourself from becoming a victim, that you stop the negative person in his or her track when their radar is trained on you. Like the serpent in Eden that deceived Eve, those who are purveyors of negativity such as the ones who delight in assassinating the characters of others in an effort to undermine, are usually crafty in their approach. They will use winsome charm and charisma to disarm you and to make you think that they have arrived to cater to your interest and wellbeing. Their next move when you have bitten on their bait is to work at desensitizing you to their true intent and when you have finally relaxed your guard, they will slowly but surely introduce their venom into your system while you remain pervious to its deadly effect.

Be kind but firm in your resolve to put such individuals on notice that you will not allow yourself to become a receptor of that which they are offering. Explain the fact that you have chosen to dwell on those things that are positive and of good report. Demonstrate your right not to listen to that which is not uplifting or ennobling. Do your diligence to appeal to something more virtuous in such individuals and direct their attention to a higher value. By taking this approach, you may not become popular but you will retain your sense of peace, joy and self-respect.

If the negative bombardments you face are in the form of the circumstances and vicissitudes of your life, an effective way of coping while retaining your joy and peace is to seek for ways to transform these circumstances into that which can be to your benefit. While it is easier said than done, we may all learn valuable lessons from the negative circumstances of our lives if we alter our attitudes and expectations and seek to discover these moments of learning among the rubble that our lives may appear to be. As the saying goes, when life hands you a lemon you can always choose to turn it into lemonade - and who does not enjoy a refreshing drink of lemonade!


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