Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How to be Emotionally Intelligent -Part 1

by Lester Rennard

For the next several postings, I will be sharing my thoughts and information on the subject of emotional intelligence. I have been fascinated by the concept and in my exploration of the meaning, application and the positive difference it makes when incorporated into ones philosophy and way of life, I've discovered some insights that are enlightening.

In this segment, I will only introduce the concept and will venture into more details as the series continues. I was first introduced to the concept of emotional intelligence by someone I met while we both were participating in an instructional training program for teaching negotiation at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He had chosen the subject of emotional intelligence as the focus of his dissertation for the completion of his doctoral studies.

At times between lectures and at lunch, we would discuss his journey into his research, understanding and application of this concept that when personally applied can positively transform ones self-awareness and relationships. As a life-long student of relationship improvement ideas, techniques and skills, I was hooked. I have since read much on the subject including one of the best books available, "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Coleman.

What is emotional intelligence about? It is about mastering the art of managing the emotional aspects of relationships in such ways as to achieve positive outcomes. It includes relationships of all kinds such as intimate, family, social, professional and business. It starts with developing ones own awareness and management of self. It then leads to the development of skills that will allow one to gain an insight and awareness of the emotions that influence the behaviors of others and how to manage those emotions to improve relationships, engender cooperation and enhance productivity.

I invite you to take this journey with me that I promise will lead to the destination of a better understanding of yourself and others and improvements in all your relationships.


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