Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Greatest Gift A Wife Desires From Her Husband

by Lester Rennard

As we approach the season that is traditionally seen as a time for giving, I will devote this and the next several posts to a series of topics that will focus attention on 'The Greatest Gift ...'.

What is the greatest gift that a wife desires from her husband? Is it a big house, elegantly furnished and in the best and most affluent neighborhood? Is it regular vacations to the most romantic and exotic places on this planet? Could it be to have access to a bank account where she has no set limit on spending? Or, is it something less tangible but yet much more satisfying and enduring than anything material?

While I will not diminish the significance of the above to many women, I do believe that for most women, the greatest gift that they desire from their husbands does not have a price tag and can not be appraised in terms of material possessions. Without having this particular gift from their husbands, most wives will generally count all the finest material gifts as useless to them.

The greatest gift above all else that a wife desires from her husband is the joy of knowing that he loves and cherishes her as the most important person in his life and she means all the world to him. If she has to choose between the most expensive house on the block and to know that she is genuinely loved and cherished, the normal woman will, without reservation, choose the latter.
She will also choose to forgo the luxuries of life if it means choosing between such luxuries and her husband's affections.

A wife derives her pleasure, joy and sense of meaning and purpose, as a wife, from knowing that she is the pride and joy of her husband and wherever his business and tasks may take him, his heart will always be at home with her. She may be the best mother, excel in her career and contribution to society but all her accomplishments will never substitute for the comfort she finds in knowing that she has a permanent place of residence in the heart of her husband.

If you are a husband reading these words and considering a gift to give your wife for this season of giving, why not choose to give her the greatest gift she desires and as a bonus, offer her the other material things that may make her life more comfortable and manageable? In demonstrating that you sincerely love and cherish her, you will need to give of yourself, make yourself available and accessible and by word and action give evidence that she is indeed the human desire of your heart.


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