Monday, August 21, 2006

How to Be Humble Without Proudly Displaying It

by Lester Rennard

Do you know someone who goes around actually bragging about his humility? Even if such a person does not verbalize his rise to the enviable status of humility, does he go about using passive aggressive means to draw attention to the idea that he is a humble person? Can one be really proud of his or her humility?

True humility is a virtue possessed by someone who has learned and accepted the truth about him/herself, has a correct appraisal of self, and has no desire to flaunt his/her achievements and accomplishments with a motive to appear better than others. The humble person does not compare self with others, knowing that there will always be others greater or lesser than he or she in regard to his or her accomplishments in life.

Humility does not preclude its possessor from pursuing excellence in order to provide much better service in his or her chosen field. If fact, since humility causes one to be outwardly focused on serving others rather than focusing on self, such an individual will always be seeking to acquire new skills, knowledge and equipment to excel in service. He or she will not seek to discriminate against others on the basis of their status in life but will always be accepting of everyone despite who they are.

The truly humble person will never be judgmental of others nor wasting precious energy assassinating and feeding on the carcases of victims. His or her humility provides a sense of security and therefore has no necessity to being an exhibitionist. Without any effort at displaying humility, this individual will be recognized and acknowledged as such by those who are touched by his or her life.

When acknowledged, complimented and affirmed by others, the humble person will graciously accept the accolade while making no attempts to downplay the basis upon which the compliment is given. He or she will not be trying to draw attention to the misguided idea that accepting compliments and appreciation for some well deserved act is a sign of pride and therefore to show humility, one should downplay his or her accomplishment when recognized and affirmed.

So how do you refrain from proudly displaying your humility? Do not focus your attention on either building yourself up or fostering a false attitude of self-deprecation. Be the best you can be in service to and in acceptance of your fellowmen and when you are recognized for your efforts and achievements, accept it enthusiastically and let the chips fall where they may.


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