Monday, February 13, 2006

Heart to Heart

by Lester Rennard

Welcome to Heart to Heart Communication! If you are interested in ideas, information and materials that will inspire you to improve your relationships, achieve personal and professional excellence and to adopt spiritual concepts and values for successful living, you have not arrived at this site by mere accident.

I promise that as I continue to get more familiar with using this communication tool of blogging, we may mutually share, by way of postings and comments, information that you might find of great value. As we develop a relationship through this medium, my plan is that you may benefit from my background and years of experience in relationship counseling, communication & conflict resolution training, alternative dispute resolution practice, spiritual coaching and counseling from a Christian context.

My idea for this medium is to create an open forum for discussing what it takes to be successful in your most meaningful relationships. These relationships may be marriage, family, friendship, business or any form of relationship that is meant to provide mutual benefits and advantages for social, physical, emotional, psychological, financial or professional satisfaction. By our interaction, I trust that we may individually learn much that may make a positive difference in our lives and those we care about.

As you discover some value, I hope you may share your feedback and comments and also invite all those who you care about to join in the discussion. The tone of language will be positive, civil and upbeat so that no one will unnecessarily be offended. With this in mind, please stop by often and let's talk.


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